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© P. Burtt, San Saba, Texas, 2011

Publications and reports

Lear, K., Moore, C., King, E., Gómez Ruiz, E., Flores Maldonado, J., Ibarra Sanchez, C., Castañeda Aguilera, A., Prebyl, T., Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. Plant and landscape factors influencing agave flower visitation rate by the endangered Mexican long-nosed bat and implications for management. In prep.

Walker, F., Lear, K., Lyman, J., Sanchez, D. Endangered nectar-feeding bat detected by environmental DNA on flowers. In prep.

DePuy, W., Weger, J., Foster, K., Bonano, A., Kumar, S., Lear, K., Basilio, R., German, L. (2021) Environmental Governance: Broadening Ontological Spaces for a More Livable World. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.


Lear, K. (2020). Bats, Agaves, and People: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Conservation of Endangered Pollinating Bats in Northeast Mexico (Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia). [full PDF] [video of dissertation defense]

Torres, A., Brandt, J., Lear, K., Liu, J. (2017). A looming tragedy of the sand commons. Science, 357(6355), 970-971.

This article was covered in several popular media outlets:

Roche, E., Brown, C., Brown, M., Lear, K. (2013). Recapture Heterogeneity in Cliff Swallows: Increased Exposure to Mist Nets Leads to Net Avoidance. PLoS ONE, 8(3): e58092. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058092.

Lear, K. (2012). An American in Australia: Monitoring the maternity colony of Southern Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) at Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia. Journal of the Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association, 86:15-18.


Lear, K. (2012). Population monitoring of the Southern Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) and community outreach in south east South Australia. Report for the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. [PDF]

Lear, K. (2012). July 2012 Southern Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) winter survey report. Report for the South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. [PDF]

Organized conference symposia

Presenter and Workshop Organizer. "Educating the Interdisciplinary Ecologist - creating educational ecosystems to help PhD students succeed, get hired, and push boundaries”. (August 2015). Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

Principle Organizer. “Landscape Approaches to Modeling Cross-boundary Ecosystem Services”. (July 2015). 9th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR.

Invited conference presentations

K. Lear, M. Bayless, J. Flanders, A. Ibarra, K. Pierson, D. Taylor. (August 2022) Recognizing the importance of community livelihoods in advancing conservation measures for endangered pollinating bats. In symposium: "How does Human Dimensions research advance bat conservation?" International Bat Research Conference. Austin, TX.

K. Lear. (September 2019) Questioning assumed trade-offs in agave use by bats and people in northeast Mexico, and implications for bat conservation efforts. Bat Conservation Trust National Bat Conference. Nottingham, England.


K. Lear. (September 2018) Bats, Agaves, and People: Joining Bat Conservation and Rural Livelihoods in Mexico. Bat Conservation Trust National Bat Conference. Nottingham, England.

A. Torres*, J. Brandt, K. Lear. (December 2016) Global sand trade is paving the way for a tragedy of the sand commons. In symposium: “Telecoupling framework as an integrated platform to capture, study and manage complexity in a changing world." American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA. *Presenter

A. Torres, J. Brandt, K. Lear*, G. Zegers. (April 2016). Telecouplings of limited resources: the case of sand. In symposium: “Landscape Networks as Telecoupled Human and Natural Systems”. International Association of Landscape Ecology Meeting. Asheville, NC. [PDF of presentation] *Presenter

N. Nibbelink, K.M. Lear, R. Unks. (August 2015). Training agile scientists through integrative research, experiential learning, and strategic communication. In symposium: "Educating the Interdisciplinary Ecologist - creating educational ecosystems to help PhD students succeed, get hired, and push boundaries”. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.


K.M. Lear, E.M. Finkbeiner. (August 2015). Cultural and professional challenges faced by interdisciplinary graduate students and post-docs. In symposium: "Educating the Interdisciplinary Ecologist - creating educational ecosystems to help PhD students succeed, get hired, and push boundaries”. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

S. Bourne, K.M. Lear. (October 2012). The Southern Bent-wing Bat Recovery Programme. 28th Annual Friends of Parks Forum. Naracoorte, South Australia. [PDF of presentation]

K.M. Lear. (July 2012). Southern Bent-wing Bat Research at Naracoorte Caves. South West Integrated Flora & Fauna Team video conference on “Bat ecology and conservation”. South Australia and Victoria, Australia.       

Invited seminars and keynotes

Sin Murciélago no Hay Bacanora: Conservation, Tradition and Resilience Symposium. (June 2021) "Restoring an Agave Corridor for Endangered Pollinating Bats and Community Livelihoods". Colectivo Sonora Silvestre and Borderlands Restoration Network. Bacanora for Bats: Binational Conservation and Sustainable Agave Spirits project. Virtual.

Odum School of Ecology Conservation Seminar Series. (October 2019) “Bat Conservation at Home and Abroad Through Interdisciplinary Research, Collaboration, and Community Engagement." University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Biological and Environmental Sciences Research Seminar Series. (September 2019) “Bats, Agaves, and People: Collaborative Conservation to Protect Endangered Migratory Pollinators.” University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.

Biological and Environmental Sciences Seminar. (September 2019) “Tapping Into Your Passion to Engage the Public and Share Your Science.” University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland.

Posters and presentations

K. Lear, M. Bayless, J. Flanders, A. Ibarra, K. Pierson, D. Taylor. (October 2021) Bat Conservation International’s Agave Restoration Initiative: Protecting and Enhancing Critical Habitat to Protect Endangered Pollinating Bats and Community Livelihoods. Bats Panel. Anthropology and Conservation Conference. Virtual. (presentation)

K. Lear, L. German, M. Welch-Devine, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King. (February 2019). Questioning assumed trade-offs in agave use by bats and people in northeast Mexico, and implications for bat conservation efforts. 6th Annual Symposium on Integrative Conservation. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (presentation)

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, M. Welch-Devine, E. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Flores Maldonado. (December 2018). Key Ecological and Social Considerations for Implementing Agave Restoration for Nectar-feeding Bats in Northeast Mexico. Georgia Bat Working Group Annual Meeting, Athens, GA. (presentation)

*Won Best Student Presentation Award

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, M. Welch-Devine, E. Gomez-Ruiz, J. Flores Maldonado. (December 2018). Key Ecological and Social Considerations for Implementing Agave Restoration for Nectar-feeding Bats in Northeast Mexico. 48th North American Symposium for Bat Research. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. (presentation)

K.M. Lear, L. German, M. Welch-Devine, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King. (September 2018) An ethnobotanical analysis of agave harvest and management and the implications for bat conservation in northeast Mexico. Integrative Conservation Conference. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (presentation)

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, C. Moore, M. Welch-Devine,  J. Flores Maldonado. (January 2018). Conservation of an Endangered Nectar-feeding Bat: Designing Community “Bat-friendly” Agave Management Programs in Northeast Mexico through Interdisciplinary Research. 5th Annual Symposium on Integrative Conservation. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (presentation) [video of presentation]

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, M. Welch-Devine,  J. Flores Maldonado. (October 2017). Conserving an Endangered Pollinator: Insights for Engaging Communities in “Bat-friendly” Agave Management in Northeast Mexico. 47th North American Symposium for Bat Research. Knoxville, TN. (presentation)

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, C. Moore, M. Welch-Devine,  J. Flores Maldonado. (September 2017). Conserving an Endangered Pollinator Through “Bat-friendly” Agave Management Programs in Northeast Mexico. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. (poster)

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, C. Moore, M. Welch-Devine,  J. Flores Maldonado. (April 2017). Conservation of Endangered Pollinators: Designing Community “Bat-friendly” Agave Management Programs in Northeast Mexico through Interdisciplinary Research. Western Bat Working Group Meeting. Fort Collins, CO. (presentation)

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, J. Flores Maldonado. (February 2017). Bats, agaves, and people: an interdisciplinary approach to assessing potential “bat-friendly” agave management by Mexican communities. 4th Annual Symposium on Integrative Conservation. University of Georgia, Athens, GA. (presentation) [video of presentation]

K. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King, L. German, J. Flores Maldonado. (October 2016). Bats, agaves, and people: an interdisciplinary approach to assessing potential “bat-friendly” agave management by Mexican communities. North American Symposium for Bat Research. San Antonio, TX. (presentation) [PDF of presentation] [Video clip of bat feeding on nectar] 

K. Lear, J. Flores Maldonado, L. German, E. King, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. (April 2016). "Bat-friendly” tequila and mezcal as a new agent for bat conservation in a telecoupled system. International Association of Landscape Ecology Meeting. Asheville, NC. (presentation) *Awarded NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award [PDF of presentation]

​​K. Lear, J. Flores Maldonado, L. German, E. King, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. (January 2016). Investigating the Potential for Bat-friendly Agave Management for Mezcal and Other Cultural Uses in Mexico. Warnell Graduate Student Symposium. University of Georgia, Athens, GA (presentation)

*Won 1st Place for Presentations

​​K. Lear, J. Flores Maldonado, L. German, E. King, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. (October 2015). Investigating the potential for bat-friendly agave management for mezcal and other cultural uses in Mexico. North American Symposium for Bat Research. Monterey, CA. (poster) [PDF of poster]

K.M. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. (July 2015). Landscape approaches to modeling cross-boundary ecosystem services: introduction and proposed project with migratory bats. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress. Portland, OR. (presentation) *Presented the introduction to our symposium, “Landscape Approaches to Modeling Cross-boundary Ecosystem Services” [PDF of presentation]

K.M. Lear, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, E. King. (February 2015). A story of bats and tequila: Bat conservation amidst Mexico’s tequila industry. Warnell Graduate Student Symposium. University of Georgia, Athens, GA (presentation)

*Won 1st Place for Presentations

​​​​K.M. Lear, T. Reardon, L. Lumsden. (August 2013). Population monitoring of the maternity colony of Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii at Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia. International Bat Research Conference/43rd North American Symposium on Bat Research. San Jose, Costa Rica. (presentation)


K.M. Lear, T. Reardon, L. Lumsden. (September 2012). Population monitoring of the maternity colony of Southern Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) at Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia. Speleobats Cave-roosting Bats International Conference. Miskolc, Hungary. (presentation) [PDF of presentation] [Thermal imaging video of cave emergence]

K.M. Lear, T. Reardon, L. Lumsden. (April 2012). Population fluctuations of the maternity colony of Southern Bent-wing Bats (Miniopterus schreibersii bassanii) at Naracoorte Caves National Park, South Australia. Australasian Bat Society Conference. Melbourne, Australia. (presentation) [Video of presentation]

K.M. Lear, E. Braun de Torrez, T.H. Kunz. (April 2011). Preference in bat house design by the Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis). Ohio Academy of Science 2011 Annual Meeting. Westerville, OH. (poster)

K.M. Lear, E. Braun de Torrez, T.H. Kunz. (October 2010). Preference in bat house design by the Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis). North American Symposium on Bat Research. Denver, CO. (poster) [PDF of poster]

K.M. Lear, E. Braun de Torrez, T.H. Kunz. (April 2010). Bat foraging activity increases near bat houses. Ohio Academy of Science Annual Meeting. Ada, OH. (poster) [PDF of poster]

K.M. Lear, A.B. Ellis, C.R. Brown. (August 2009). Netting methods influence age distribution in samples of Cliff Swallows. American Ornithologists’ Union Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. (presentation)

K.M. Lear, A.B. Ellis, C.R. Brown. (April 2009). Netting methods influence age distribution in samples of Cliff Swallows. Wilson Ornithological Society and Association of Field Ornithologists Joint Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. (poster) *Winner of Best Student Poster Award from the Association of Field Ornithologists [PDF of poster]

K.M. Lear, E.H. Burtt, Jr. (April 2008). Bacterial degradation: flight vs. body contour feathers. Wilson Ornithological Society Conference. Mobile, AL. (poster)

Contact Information

Bat Conservation International

Kristen Lear

Agave Restoration Program Director

Bat Conservation International

500 N. Capital of TX Hwy., BLDG 1-201

Austin, TX 78746

© Kristen Lear

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